Opinie Teatr Miejski w Gliwicach - Katowice Sikornik

Adres zamieszkania: Nowy Świat 55/57, 44-100 Gliwice, Polska

Telefon: +48 32 230 49 68

Facet: Teatr

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Często zadawane pytania użytkowników

Premieres of new plays, including Willy Russell's play directed by Alicja Stasiewicz and Lech Mackiewicz, Szalone nożyczki - a comedy thriller, and Dwunastu gniewnych ludzi - a drama known from world cinema.

Variety of plays, including comedy, thriller, drama, and children's plays, such as Miś - a fairy tale about a bear who dreams of finding Panama, and Adam Niezgódka - a play about a man who returns to the Academy of Mr. Kleks after 30 years.

Meetings with authors and directors, such as Joanna Oparek, who will talk about her plays Całe życie and Dobra rodzina.

Accessibility options for people with disabilities, including epilepsy, visual impairments, cognitive disorders, ADHD, and compatibility with screen readers.

Newsletter subscription to receive exclusive offers and weekly updates about the theater's life.

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